Kimchi Fried Rice (Kimchi Bbokkeumbap). Green onion, hot pepper paste, kim, kimchi, rice, sesame oil, sesame seeds, vegetable oil, water. Kimchi fried rice (kimchi bokkeumbap, 김치볶음밥) is a humble Korean dish made basically with kimchi and leftover rice. Since Korean homes almost always have these two staples, kimchi fried rice is a favorite go-to meal whenever there seems to be nothing to eat at home.
Bacon gives a nice smoky flavor and enoki mushrooms give a nice crunchy feel to the dish.
Kimchi Fried Rice or Kimchi Bokkeumbap (김치볶음밥) is the perfect one-dish meal anytime but especially if you don't feel like cooking or need that something to hit the spot!
Because I have been eating this from when I was in high school, this dish always brings back so many memories for me.
Kamu dapat membuat Kimchi Fried Rice (Kimchi Bbokkeumbap) menggunakan 13 bahan dan 6 langkah. Berikut ini akan dijelaskan Bagaimana kamu dapat membuatnya .
Bahan2 dari Kimchi Fried Rice (Kimchi Bbokkeumbap)
- Siapkan 2 centong nasi Nasi pera sesuai porsi, kalo saya.
- Siapkan Kimchi. saya pakai kimchi sawi. Iris sesuai selera.
- Siapkan Bahan Pelengkap.
- Kamu Membutuhkan Fish cake / dada ayam. iris dadu.
- Siapkan potong dadu Secukupnya,Wortel..
- Kamu Membutuhkan 3 butir Telur. Dadar, kemudian sisihkan.
- Siapkan Secukupnya, Daun bawang. iris serong ala korea.
- Siapkan Bumbu.
- Kamu Membutuhkan 3 siung bawang putih, geprek.
- Kamu Membutuhkan Bawang bombay, iris tipis.
- Siapkan 1 Sdm saus gochujang (saya pakai kikoman).
- Siapkan 1 sdt Minyak wijen.
- Kamu Membutuhkan Gula, Garam, kaldu ayam.
Kimchi fried rice or kimchi-bokkeum-bap (김치볶음밥) is a variety of bokkeum-bap ("fried rice"), a popular dish in Korea. Kimchi fried rice is made primarily with kimchi and rice, along with other available ingredients, such as diced vegetables or meats like spam. Kimchi Fried Rice, or Kimchi Bokkeumbap (볶음밥), is a simple, delicious fried rice recipe that's made with mature kimchi, rice, and just a handful of other ingredients. The trick is in how the ingredients are combined, which can turn it into one of the most flavorful rice dishes ever.
Kimchi Fried Rice (Kimchi Bbokkeumbap) instruksi
- Siapkan bahan bahan yang dibutuhkan.
- Tumis Bawang geprek hingga harum, kemudian masukkan bawang bombay..
- Masukkan potongan Fish cake atau dada ayam yang sudah dibersihkan, sertal wortel. tunggu hingga setengh matang..
- Masukan potongan kimchi, sertakan air fermentasinya kira kira 1 sdm, supaya lebih berasa. kemudian saus gochujang..
- Masukan nasi putih, gula, garam, kaldu bubuk dan minyak wijen. Aduk hingga bumbu merata dan rasa sudah sesuai. Masukkan daun bawang. masak hingga matang..
- Platting sesuai selera. saya taruh telur dadar di dasar piring, baru kemudian nasi nya. sajikan..
Mix it up and make kimchi bokkeumbap, or kimchi fried rice, for dinner tonight! Tired of the same ol' fried rice? Well, this will add a kick to any of your favorite fried rice recipe by adding kimchi. If you love kimchi, you will surely love this recipe. Kimchi fried rice (bokumbap or bokkeumbap) makes for a simple meal that helps you use two items commonly found in Korean pantries and refrigerators—rice and kimchi.